Responding to Needs

International Humanitarian Aid is a needs-driven organisation with a primary focus of targeting the most vulnerable groups -- especially women, the elderly and children. All our activities aim to maintain and/or restore human dignity.

Sharing internationally recognised humanitarian values

International Humanitarian Aid abides by the following general values of humanitarian responsibility in carrying out its work.

  • Do no harm - International Humanitarian Aid acts responsibly to ensure that its activities do not adversely affect local communities or any stakeholders.
  • Promote cooperation and collaboration with national and international stakeholders to provide assistance to vulnerable people and to share our knowledge with local partners.

Addressing the underlying causes of hunger

International Humanitarian Aid promotes a comprehensive approach to address the underlying causes of hunger by integrating our competence in nutrition, food security, water and sanitation, whenever possible.

  • Programme development includes a global analysis of the context (political, social, historical, ethnic, economic, etc.)
  • Programme development also includes a global assessment of people’s needs and efforts to coordinate with other NGOs and public services to cover any requirements outside our scope of activities

Working with communities

To the extent possible, International Humanitarian Aid programmes seek to work with communities in the definition, implementation and evaluation of the projects.

Respecting the environment

To the extent possible, International Humanitarian Aid seeks environmentally friendly solutions in its programmes.

Meeting targets

International Humanitarian Aid programmes are designed to have a defined timeframe and aim to restore self-sufficiency and independence to vulnerable populations throughout the world.

Charter of principles

In carrying out our activities, all members adhere to a charter of principles that form the foundation of our humanitarian commitment: independence, impartiality, non-discrimination, free and direct access, professionalism and transparency.

Financial Review

International Huamnitarian Aid’s accounts are audited externally every year to ensure that we are effectively using the funds entrusted to us by our sponsors, supporters and donors.

Where your money goes

International Huamnitarian Aid aims to be as efficient as possible when spending project funds. We are proud to say that out of every $1 received by International Huamnitarian Aid, 99% is spent in-country, directly supporting our projects on the ground.